
L to R: Egyptian, Indo-European, African, Semite

Kemet: A Short Study Guide

It is important to have a critical understanding of Kemetic / Egyptian history for the sake of Kemet / Egypt. This short study guide provides enough scope and content pertaining to Kemet / Egypt history and culture, religion and philosophy, and lastly who they were (and are).

Further it is important to understand the pernicious undertakings of parasitic racist whites to append the histories of Africa and other societies as their own. Though they have not engendered a single one, they psychopathically in a rather desperate and concerted attempt claim every ancient civilization.

Lastly, it's important to understand what African people are going through to restore their rightful place in history.


African Origin of Civilization - Cheikh Anta Diop

African Origin of Civilization, Diop "Our investigations have convinced us that the West has not been calm enough and objective enough to teach our history correctly, without crude falsifications" - p.XiV A seminal work debunking the myth of a white Kemetic / Egyptian civilization. Diop examines every approach taken by white racist including its pseudo-sciences contrived to proclaim Kemet / Egypt a white civilization. This work presents the factual racial history of the origins of Kemet and their achievements.

Civilization or Barbarism - Cheikh Anta Diop

Civilization or Barbarism, Diop "For us, the return to Egypt in all domains is the necessary condition for reconciling African civilizations with history..." p. 3 A comprehensive overview of the origins and development of civilization and the African role in its unfolding. Dr. Diop provides evidence from all major fields of science to show the foundations of civilization were developed and spread globally before the Aryan (principally Europeans and Arabs) would encounter and benefit from it.

The Destruction of Black Civilization - Chancellor Williams

Destruction of Black Civilization, Williams "This work begins where the history of the Blacks began, in Egypt (Northern Ethiopia) and Sudan (Southern Ethiopia). Thus at the very outset, I clash head-on with the Caucasian version of African history." - p.37 Dr. Chancellor Williams provides a critical survey on the development and demise of Kemet / Egypt. He demonstrates that Aryans (European and Arab) invasions and their diametrically opposed anti-African culture led to the fundamental demise of Kemet / Egypt.

Egypt Revisited - Ivan Van Sertima, editor

Egypt Revisited, Sertima "Egypt has created the greatest and most enduring of all ancient civilizations. Its remarkable achievements in the arts and sciences, its influence upon the philosophy of both Europe and Asia, is seldom denied. Few studies, however, admit the significant, indeed predominant role of Africans in the building of this civilization." p.3 This is an excellent collection of essays by scholars addressing Kemet / Egypt civilization from various perspectives including its origins, racial makeup, science, philosophy and more. Dr. Sermita, through the Journal of African Civilizations, has produced a critical building block in the pyramid of reclaiming Kemet / Egypt from the clutches of European and Arab pseudo-scholars and scientist.

Black Man of the Nile and His Family - Yosef ben-Jochannan

Black Man of the Nile "In this volume facts of African history which have been for so long purposefully withheld from the public shall be revealed and carefully explained." - p. XI Dr. ben-Jochannan offers a scathing treatise on the psychopathic behavior of white pseudo-scientist and their absurd claims of a white Kemet / Egypt civilization. Additionally, he offers one of the best chronologies of Kemet / Egypt dynastic history.

History of Egypt - E. A. Wallis Budge
In this 8-vol set Budge gives a relatively honest account of the facts un-earthed that show Kemet-Nu / Egyptians were/are African. His is a dynasty by dynasty exam of the artifacts and of the mummified remains from the royal tombs. This work preceded his later claim of the Kemet-Nu being white (a turn that most of the white pseudo-Egyptologist made per their funding organizations dictates)

Greece and Rome

Stolen Legacy - George G.M. James
Stolen Legacy, James "The true authors of Greek philosophy were not the Greeks, but the people of North Africa commonly called the Egyptians" p.7 Prof. James provides a critical survey history of Kemetic / Egyptian intellectual impact on the development of southern Europe and western Asia; of the Greek invasions into Kemet / Egypt, the resultant plundering of the Kemetic / Institutions and the false claims by Greeks to have studied, learned and authored the body of knowledge they stole from Kemet / Egypt.

The Children of the Sun - George Wells Parker

Parker, Children of the Sun "When the Aryans invaded Greece they were savages from Neolitic Europe and could not possibly have possessed the high artistic capacities and rich culture necessary for the unfolding of Aegean civilization." - p.23 A seminal essay on the African origin of civilization and challenging the European origins of Greek Civilization.

Africa and Africans As Seen By Classical Writers - William Leo Hansberry

Africa and Africans, Hansberry "In the beginnings of European literature, few names are better known and none is older than that of Ethiopia. Europe's earliest poetry sings of no foreign people quite so romantic; it geography records no country more distant; and its efforts at history memorializes no nation thought more ancient than that designated by this celebrated name." p.7 These writings by Dr. Hansberry are seminal to understanding the place of admiration, celeberty and power Ethiopia and Kemet held in the mind of the Greeks and Romans. This publication helps us to see the distinction between early Aryan invaders who wrote about Ethiopian and Kemet as African and the latter day racist pseudo-scientist who attempt to fabricate a White Ethiopia and Kemet (Egypt).


Black Folk Here and There - St. Clair Drake

Drake, Black Folk Here and There "Black Folk Here and There deals with the Black Experience before White Racism emerged as a dogma to support a system of institutionalized practices designed to justify the transatlantic African slave trade and Western Hemisphere slave systems." - p.7 Dr. Drake offers a 2-volume examination of race, skin color, prejudice and racism from ancient times to the current era. His work looks at race from the perspective of the ancient peoples and at the beliefs, understanding and use of race in modern race relations.

The Cultural Unity Of Black Africa - Cheikh Anta Diop

The Cultural Unity of Black Africa, Diop3 "I have tried to bring to view the common denominator in African culture as opposed to that of the Northern Aryan culture.... May this work contribute to strengthening of the feelings of goodwill which have always united Africans from one end of the continent to the other and thus show our organic cultural unity." p.8 This is an extremely important work for understanding the origins of races, their developments, cultural distinctions and, especially important, the diametrically opposite cultures of the African and the Aryan. Diop's work provides a foundation for rebuilding African civilization and a tool towards defeating Aryan racism.

See also: African Origin of Civilization - Cheikh Anta Diop

Religion / Philosophy

Ancient Egypt the Light of the World - Gerald Massey

Massey, Ancient Egypt Massey's 2-volume set offers critical insight into the foundations and formulations of Kemetic / Egyptian religion / philosophy. He explains the Ntcheru types and functions. Additionally he addresses the Kemetic / Egyptian foundations for all of the worlds religious-belief systems. He points out how you cannot make since of any of the western religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - without referencing Kemet / Egypt (their source) to explain them.

Essays In Ancient Egyptian Studies - Jacob Curruthers

"...Ancient Egypt offered the best presently known source of data about the uncorrupted African past with enough data to not only verify the facts of African Civilization but to begin the construction of a framework to reinterpret the history and social reality of the world." p.Xi Essays In Ancient Egyptian Studies, Curruthers Dr. Curruthers offers a collection of essays under four topic areas giving us to date some of the best insight to Kemetic / Egyptian speech and behavior. Most publications by others before this work were flawed being interpreted through a euro-centric filter and edited to suit said euro-centric designs.

The Book Of Coming Forth By Day - Maulana Karenga

The Book Of Coming Forth By Day "The essential purpose of this to explicate the ethical ideal found in the Declarations of Innocence in terms relevent to modern ethical discourse." p.22 A brief interpretation and summarization of Chapters taken from the Book of Coming Forth By Day and Going Forth By Night.

This book is an essential introduction to the speach and practice that was at the foundation of Kemet / Egyptian life.


Let the Ancestors Speak - Ankh Mi Ra

Let The Ancestors Speak - Ankh Mi Ra "Regardless of the cacophony of shrill, and unbridled disingenuousness of most "Egyptologist" owing to some ridiculous premise of intellectual and/or racial inferiority of the African, the persistent political hoax of grouping this language into some mythical "Hamito-Semitic" family has been and continues to be debunked." - p. 26 Ra gives us a critical addition to the canon of literature that is restoring Kemet / Egypt to its rightful inheritors. Ra offers an advanced understanding of Medu Ntcher and an excellent text for students of the language.

Rightfully so the ancestors words are conveyed as they were meant and intended them to. Here, there is no misinterpreting them or filtering them through Aryan biases.

Like Heru who restores his father Ausar to his rightful place, Ra restores the true voice of Kemet / Egypt.

Critical Essays:

Bilad Es Sudan - William Leo Hansberry
Diop's Two Cradle Theory and the Origin of White Racism - Vulendela Wobogo

About the banner image: "This painting from the tomb of Ramses 111 (1200 BC) shows that the Egyptians saw themselves as Blacks, and painted themselves as such without possible confusion with the Indo-Europeans [Caucasoids] or the Semites. It is a representation of the races in their most minute difference, which insures the accuracy of the colors". Left to right: Egyptian, Indo-European, African, Semite. - Egypt Revisited: Journal of African Civilizations, Ivan Van Sertima, ed.